Yes, it sounds like science fiction. But a preeminent ufologist believes that for over 100 years alien abductees around the world have had their DNA harvested and manipulated by aliens.
Are alien-human hybrids living among us? And if so, what’s their nefarious endgame?
Dr. David M. Jacobs, in his research on UFOs and alien abductions, has come to a shocking conclusion: Extraterrestrials have been harvesting — and using — our DNA for over a century. The goal? Making alien-human hybrids.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: That’s crazy. It sounds like the plot of a sci-fi movie. It can’t possibly be real.
But I assure you that David struck me as an intelligent man. He taught history at Temple University for over 35 years. He’s spent the better part of his life interviewing hundreds of people who have recalled over 2,000 abduction events, and the details were so strikingly similar that he eventually became convinced of their truth.
Dr. David M. Jacobs was skeptical at first. But after 35 years of interviewing hundreds of potential alien abductees, he’s convinced. And he says an alien invasion is escalating.
“They’re living here among us, just like everybody else.
It’s assimilation. It’s planetary acquisition. ”
“Almost every aspect of this phenomenon is astonishing,” David says. “It’s so amazingly bizarre and yet logical all the way through. It’s hard for anybody to imagine it ever happening. And yet we have millions of people who are saying the same thing.”
David was reluctant to believe in such an astounding claim as human-alien hybrids — but, as his latest book, Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity, attests, he’s come around.
That book concluded his research on the subject, though a final book about abduction research methodology is in the works. Today, David can’t continue on with his research: The thought of alien hybrids living among us is a bit too much for him.
“After learning that, I said, OK, I’ve done the best I can do,” he tells me. “I want to sit around and watch television for the rest of my life. I want to be happy.” –Wally
DISCOVER THE EVIDENCE for alien abductions in the first part of our interview with David M. Jacobs
An alien-human hybrid uses telepathic mind control on an abductee. These drawings were all done by people Jacobs interviewed.
What do the aliens look like?
Here’s the problem: When people remember things without help, they can often get them wrong. The physical descriptions are largely very consistent, but there are still a few outliers.
Almost every abductee reports interacting with small gray aliens and tall gray aliens. Both typically have four fingers and are slender, with smooth, hairless skin and huge black oval eyes.
The small grays are usually 3 or 4 feet tall and do a lot of the grunt work, you could call it — like orderlies at a hospital.
The taller grays are 5 or 6 feet tall. They’re more complex and act as sort of bosses. I guess you could say they do the managerial roles on the ship. They’re the ones that come in and do the procedures, like doctors. One common procedure abductees report is called a “staring procedure,” where a tall gray will put their head about an inch away from the abductee’s face and stare directly into their eyes. Abductees report that it feels as though the alien is rifling around in their brain — as though it’s opening up cabinets to figure out the stuff that you’ve been up to and figure out what your motivations are and so forth.
There’s another distinct kind of alien that people report: the insectoid or mantid. They kind of look like a praying mantis. They are much taller, with even larger, more triangular heads and very thin bodies. They’re not seen very often, but abductees say that they get the sense these guys are the leaders, the ones who are in control.
Are there any physical signs that someone has been abducted by aliens?
People don’t quite understand that there are many physical signs of abduction: Abductees frequently report waking up to find dimple indentations or fully formed geometric scars on their bodies, as though they were branded and then have healed. Sometimes people will report pulling out little rods of metal from their skin. We have many photos and evidence jars to prove it.
What percentage of abductees have physical marks like these?
A hundred percent. Everyone has some sort. Sometimes they last for a very short time. And some people have shown me stuff that they’ve had for years.
Are there other physical signs?
Sometimes women will return from an abduction event and say that they feel pregnant. So they’ll run out and get a pregnancy test — and it comes back positive. And then they’ll say to themselves, “How could this be? I had my uterus removed 10 years ago,” or, “My doctors have assured me that I’m infertile,” or, “I haven’t been intimate with anyone in years.”
Like anyone would do, they’ll panic and call their doctor immediately. They’ll make an appointment for the end of the week. And yet, by the time of the appointment, the fetus has already been taken out, leaving them and their doctors stunned. They never start showing. The thing is, that from everything we know, this all makes total sense. They’re an incubator.
It’s unbelievable. It’s crazy. And yet all these people are saying the same things, all described in the same way.
Are the aliens violent?
It’s clear that the aliens put abductees into a kind of a fugue state and order them around. They want abductees to remain sedate and compliant.
But every once in a while an abductee might somehow slip loose from this twilight state and gain some consciousness, running down the hallway, screaming, “Where am I? What’s happening?” Next thing you know, the aliens run after them and calm them down. There’s no violence that happens onboard a ship. There’s no physical coercion, no threats.
What’s one of the most surprising things about alien abductions?
Although some aspects of this research have filtered into pop culture, most people still don’t understand that abductions always follow hereditary lines. So, if you are an abductee, your children will be abductees, and at least one of your parents was one as well. To our knowledge, no one has ever been purposefully abducted whose parents were not abductees. And again, there’s a reason for this, too.
Over the past 20 years or so, people stopped talking about having their sperm or eggs collected, and instead started telling stories of hybrid babies.
What was the first clue that alien abductions had taken a scary new direction?
After interviewing abductees for about 20 years, people started to tell me something that I had never heard before — and these stories became more and more common. They’d say that when they’re abducted they weren’t just being taken onboard a craft, but they would be taken to someplace else in their town or city to meet another person — all while still under control of the aliens.
For example, a woman knows she’s been instructed to go to a certain corner and meet someone. So, under their telepathic influence, she heads over to the corner and waits. Sure enough, a man approaches. He looks just like a regular guy — but he isn’t. He takes her to a nearby apartment. Inside, she encounters several other normal-looking people, ostensibly living together. And then she notices that all of the apartment’s furniture is pushed off into a heap on one side of the living room. The man asks her, “How do we make this look normal?” Of course, these are all hybrids.
The first thing she says to him is, “No, no, no, you can’t do that. The couch has to be over here, and then you put a little table in front of it, and then put a television over here,” and so on.
Then, a few days later, she’s with him and another hybrid in a supermarket and it's the same deal. “What is this?” “When do you eat it?” She’s teaching them what a loaf of bread is, what an egg is, how you eat them, etc.
Abductees remember meeting hybrids living among us and teaching them the basics of their culture, from placing furniture to cooking.
Events like these weren’t just some strange reports — everyone I was working with, from new relationships to those I’d spent years with, were all reporting this.
The aliens were doing this for a reason. The whole thing, from sperm and egg collection to implanting fetuses and growing hybrids, was all about one thing: They’re living here among us, just like everybody else. It’s assimilation. It’s planetary acquisition.
An alien holds a hybrid infant onboard a UFO, as recalled by an abductee. Those babies have now grown into adults, they say.
What can we do to address this threat?
I just know something’s going to happen in the future. And that’s the key thing: If I get the word out, everybody will think I’m nuts — well, they already do. But if I don’t get the word out, none of it matters anyway. Based on where we are today, we can’t control it. We’re not sophisticated enough and we don’t have the kind of legitimacy and resources needed to actually find a way to solve the problem. The scientific community has no interest in it whatsoever. So how do you stop a global threat when no one believes it’s real, it’s global or that it’s a threat at all?
One of the scariest things about hybrids (besides their powers of mind control) is that they look just like us.
So does that mean anyone could be a hybrid?
It’s important to know that while these human-alien hybrids look nearly identical to humans, they were not raised on Earth and they have certain abilities that we lack — specifically telepathy. So, though you have a being who is 90% or 99% human (whatever it may be), they will always be different. They know what you’re thinking. They can communicate telepathically with you, abductees and each other. And they can influence your thoughts and actions like a Jedi mind trick.
For example, one abductee met with her assigned hybrid while she was on the way to a sporting event. The hybrid wanted to join along, so she explained that he needed to root for a team if he wanted to fit in. So they went into a nearby store, and the hybrid walked out wearing a jersey. She stopped him, explaining that he had to pay it. He said that he had “spoken” with the store manager and was told he could just take the jersey. The lesson here is that whether or not the hybrid had intended it, he had been able to telepathically influence the store owner and walk away without paying. You don’t need money, or a job, or a social security number, if you can simply make every person you meet forget your face.
Here’s another example of how hybrids work. There was this one situation where an abductee was onboard a UFO. She had been interacting with a group of teenage hybrids that she was told were about to come down to Earth. She noticed that one of the hybrids was talking quite boisterously and was informed, telepathically, by the hybrid in charge, that this individual was going to be culled from the herd — the point being that his behavior would have brought too much attention to himself and would jeopardize the secrecy of the program.
Some skeptics suggest that alien abductions might actually be sleep paralysis or some other psychological condition. What do you say to this?
This is a common debunking argument. Sleep paralysis is a real phenomenon, where your mind kind of wakes up before your body does. So you can feel like you’re trapped in bed, and it can feel like there’s a presence in the room. It can be very terrifying for people.
But this kind of paralysis describes roughly 10 minutes of any given abduction event. It doesn’t describe working with hybrids, meeting them at Walmart, seeing the babies in jars onboard a ship or the strange scars that people have on their bodies. And don’t forget, the majority of abductions happen while people are awake.
Some say that abduction reports are just repressed trauma or sexual abuse trauma, and these people have mapped it onto this sci-fi narrative. But of course many of these people are not abuse victims of any kind. Many have seen or were referred to me by therapists and trained psychologists — after all, my colleague, the late John Mack, was chair of the psychology department at Harvard Medical School.
And, like sleep paralysis, the repressed trauma argument can’t account for the litany of details, the accounts of missing time, or the fact that when I started this research no one knew anything about it. There wasn’t a book or sci-fi narrative anywhere they could’ve accidentally internalized.
Why do you think people have such a hard time believing in alien abductions?
Ghosts have been popular for thousands of years and fit, in some ways, into people’s religious and spiritual worldviews. Aliens, however, don’t. The phenomenon hasn’t had the benefit of centuries of folklore. And, of course, the aliens aren’t offering something as nice as talking with a dead relative. Everything about the subject is disturbing and fantastic. And there’s really no good incentive for someone to want to believe it — especially considering the social and professional stigma attached to it.
“How do you stop a global threat when no one believes it’s real, it’s global or that it’s a threat at all?”
Did you ever try to document the abductions?
For many years, I would give abductees home video cameras to see if they could get something on video. We knew this would be unlikely, and we didn’t get any aliens. But what did get is a ton of video of someone waking up at 4 in the morning, walking over to the camera and turning it off or walking into another room. And that was a little odd because they had set up the camera themselves, to capture an abduction. The next morning, they’d report having been abducted and race to the camera to find that they had inexplicably turned it off.
Here’s the best one: This woman wanted to catch them. She was sleeping and then she woke up, got out of bed, walked over to the corner of the room and turned the camera off. Next thing you know, the video shows her asleep in bed — as though it had been edited. But it hadn’t been touched. And the question is: Who turned the camera on? If she had done it, we should have seen her walk back to the bed and get under the covers.
Alien hybrid children like to play, just like humans. Is your neighbor’s kid really part-alien?!
What other evidence do you have of alien abductions?
Years ago, my fellow researchers and I put together a nationally representative survey of the American population put out by the Roper Center at Cornell. It was a 10-question survey, and we had thousands of respondents. When we got the results, we were shocked. So we only looked at the people who answered yes to all 10 questions (when answering yes to even one might indicate you’re an abductee), just to be ultraconservative. It came down to 2% of the American population in 1992.
If the U.S. population was 257 million back then, that would mean 5.1 million people were alien abductees!
And that’s with us being super conservative. And of course that’s just in the United States. This is a global phenomenon. And it also might be the most important thing that’s ever happened in the history of humankind.
If you want to learn more, read David M. Jacobs’ books:
Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions
The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity